How to build a user metadata store that lets you turn off PagerDuty
Charlie Custer
April 12, 2024
CockroachDB Selected to Join Google Distributed Cloud
Katelyn Di Salvo
April 9, 2024
Integrating OLTP and OLAP systems: Enhanced decision making with CockroachDB, BigQueryML and Vertex AI
This blog explores how to leverage CockroachDB as an OLTP database and BigQuery for OLAP, and then further enhance data capabilities using BigQueryML and Vertex AI for machine learning.
Harsh Shah
April 9, 2024
Why CockroachDB doesn't use EvalPlanQual
Michael Erickson
April 5, 2024
How simplified their architecture for metadata storage
For organizations that want to avoid risk the first step is often to safeguard their most important asset: data. Data loss usually happens by accident (primarily human error and system failures) and not because of malicious intent or bad actors. Maybe an employee neglects to update their software, or an entire cloud region goes down, or there’s an unexpected influx of traffic that the company wasn’t prepared for – we’ve all heard of or have been part of these stories. Recently, data protection has become more complicated because businesses are running many applications in the cloud that employees are accessing on a daily basis. The more applications, the more risk.
Cassie McAllister
April 4, 2024
Best practices for user metadata management at enterprise scale
Charlie Custer
April 2, 2024
Antithesis of a One-in-a-Million Bug: Taming Demonic Nondeterminism
Stan Rosenberg
March 21, 2024
True Tales of Survival: Twenty Years of (Server) Solitude
Michelle Gienow
February 14, 2024
Why we need a multi-cloud database, and how to build one
In our State of Multi-Cloud 2024 report, we were a bit surprised to find that half of our respondents said their companies were already multi-cloud, and of those, half had already begun working with complex multi-cloud deployment patterns like deploying a single workload across multiple clouds. What are the benefits of that sort of complex deployment, and how can it actually be achieved in the real world to bring the advantages of multi-cloud to mission-critical workloads like your transactional database workloads?
Mike Bookham
February 12, 2024