MOLT Fetch

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This feature is in preview. This feature is subject to change. To share feedback and/or issues, contact Support.

MOLT Fetch moves data from a source database into CockroachDB as part of a database migration.

MOLT Fetch can use IMPORT INTO or COPY FROM to move the source data to CockroachDB via cloud storage (Google Cloud Storage or Amazon S3), a local file server, or directly without an intermediate store. For details, see Usage.

Supported databases

The following source databases are currently supported:


To install MOLT Fetch, download the binary that matches your system. To download the latest binary:

Operating System AMD 64-bit ARM 64-bit
Windows Download Download
Linux Download Download
Mac Download Download

For previous binaries, see the MOLT version manifest. For releases v0.0.6 and earlier, see the MOLT repository.


Complete the following items before using MOLT Fetch:

  • Ensure that the source and target schemas are identical. Tables with mismatching columns may only be partially migrated.

  • Ensure that the SQL user running MOLT Fetch has the required privileges to run IMPORT INTO or COPY FROM statements, depending on your intended mode.

  • To enable the CDC cursor for ongoing replication:

    • If you are migrating from PostgreSQL, enable logical replication. Set wal_level to logical in postgresql.conf or in the SQL shell.
    • If you are migrating from MySQL, enable GTID consistency. Set gtid-mode and enforce-gtid-consistency to ON in mysql.cnf, in the SQL shell, or as flags in the mysql start command.
  • Percent-encode the connection strings for the source database and CockroachDB. This ensures that the MOLT tools can parse special characters in your password.

    • Given a password a$52&, pass it to the molt escape-password command with single quotes:

      molt escape-password 'a$52&'
      Substitute the following encoded password in your original connection url string:
    • Use the encoded password in your connection string. For example:

  • If you are using Amazon S3 for cloud storage:

    • Ensure that the environment variable and access tokens are set appropriately in the terminal running molt fetch. For example:

      export AWS_REGION='us-east-1'
      export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY='key'
      export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID='id'
    • Ensure the S3 bucket is created and accessible to CockroachDB.

  • If you are using Google Cloud Storage for cloud storage:

    • Ensure that your local environment is authenticated using Application Default Credentials:

      gcloud init
      gcloud auth application-default login
    • Ensure the Google Cloud Storage bucket is created and accessible to CockroachDB.


Flag Description
--source (Required) Connection string for the source database. For details, see Source and target databases.
--target (Required) Connection string for the target database. For details, see Source and target databases.
--bucket-path The path within the cloud storage bucket where intermediate files are written (e.g., 's3://bucket/path' or 'gs://bucket/path').
--cleanup Whether to delete intermediate files after moving data using cloud or local storage. Note: Cleanup does not occur on continuation.
--compression Compression method for data when using IMPORT INTO mode (gzip/none).

Default: gzip
--continuation-file-name Restart fetch at the specified filename if the process encounters an error. --fetch-id must be specified. For details, see Fetch continuation.
--continuation-token Restart fetch at a specific table, using the specified continuation token, if the process encounters an error. --fetch-id must be specified. For details, see Fetch continuation.
--direct-copy Enables direct copy mode, which copies data directly from source to target without using an intermediate store.
--export-concurrency Number of concurrent threads to use for data export. Note: This number will be multiplied by the number of tables being moved in --table-concurrency. Ensure your machine has sufficient resources to handle this level of concurrency.

Default: 4
--fetch-id Restart fetch process corresponding to the specified ID. If --continuation-file-name or --continuation-token are not specified, fetch restarts for all failed tables.
--flush-rows Number of rows before the source data is flushed to intermediate files. Note: If --flush-size is also specified, the fetch behavior is based on the flag whose criterion is met first.
--flush-size Size (in bytes) before the source data is flushed to intermediate files. Note: If --flush-rows is also specified, the fetch behavior is based on the flag whose criterion is met first.
--local-path The path within the local file server where intermediate files are written (e.g., data/migration/cockroach). --local-path-listen-addr must be specified.
--local-path-crdb-access-addr Address of a local file server that is reachable by CockroachDB. This flag is only necessary if CockroachDB cannot reach the local address specified with --local-path-listen-addr (e.g., when moving data to a CockroachDB Cloud deployment).

Default: Value of --local-path-listen-addr. --local-path and --local-path-listen-addr must be specified.
--local-path-listen-addr Write intermediate files to a local file server at the specified address (e.g., 'localhost:3000'). --local-path must be specified.
--log-file Write messages to the specified log filename. If not specified, messages are only written to stdout.
--logging Level at which to log messages ('trace'/'debug'/'info'/'warn'/'error'/'fatal'/'panic').

Default: 'info'
--metrics-listen-addr Address of the metrics endpoint.

Default: ''
--pglogical-replication-slot-drop-if-exists Drop the replication slot, if specified with --pglogical-replication-slot-name. Otherwise, the default replication slot is not dropped.
--pglogical-replication-slot-name The name of a replication slot to create before taking a snapshot of data (e.g., 'fetch'). This flag is only necessary if you want to use a replication slot other than the default slot.
--pglogical-replication-slot-plugin The output plugin used for logical replication under --pglogical-replication-slot-name.

Default: pgoutput
--pprof-listen-addr Address of the pprof endpoint.

Default: ''
--row-batch-size Number of rows to select at a time for export from the source database.

Default: 100000
--schema-filter Move schemas that match a specified regular expression.

Default: '.*'
--table-concurrency Number of tables to move at a time. Note: This number will be multiplied by the value of --export-concurrency. Ensure your machine has sufficient resources to handle this level of concurrency.

Default: 4
--table-filter Move tables that match a specified regular expression.

Default: '.*'
--table-handling How tables are initialized on the target database ('none'/'drop-on-target-and-recreate'/'truncate-if-exists'). For details, see Target table handling.

Default: 'none'
--use-console-writer Use the console writer, which has cleaner log output but introduces more latency.

Default: false (log as structured JSON)
--use-copy Use COPY FROM mode to move data. This makes tables queryable during data load, but is slower than IMPORT INTO mode. For details, see Fetch mode.


The following sections describe how to use the molt fetch flags.

Source and target databases

--source specifies the connection string of the source database.

PostgreSQL or CockroachDB:

--source 'postgresql://{username}:{password}@{host}:{port}/{database}'


--source 'mysql://{username}:{password}@{protocol}({host}:{port})/{database}'

--target specifies the CockroachDB connection string:

--target 'postgresql://{username}:{password}@{host}:{port}/{database}

Fetch mode

MOLT Fetch can use either IMPORT INTO or COPY FROM to move data to CockroachDB.

By default, MOLT Fetch uses IMPORT INTO:

  • IMPORT INTO mode achieves the highest throughput, but requires taking the tables offline to achieve its import speed.
  • IMPORT INTO mode supports compression using the --compression flag, which reduces the amount of storage used.

--use-copy configures MOLT Fetch to use COPY FROM:

  • COPY FROM mode enables your tables to remain online and accessible. However, it is slower than using IMPORT INTO.
  • COPY FROM mode does not support compression.

COPY FROM is also used in direct copy mode.

Data path

MOLT Fetch can move the source data to CockroachDB via cloud storage, a local file server, or directly without an intermediate store.

Cloud storage

--bucket-path specifies that MOLT Fetch should write intermediate files to a path within a Google Cloud Storage or Amazon S3 bucket to which you have the necessary permissions. For example:

Google Cloud Storage:

--bucket-path 'gs://migration/data/cockroach'

Amazon S3:

--bucket-path 's3://migration/data/cockroach'

Cloud storage can be used with either the IMPORT INTO or COPY FROM modes.

Local file server

--local-path specifies that MOLT Fetch should write intermediate files to a path within a local file server. local-path-listen-addr specifies the address of the local file server. For example:

--local-path /migration/data/cockroach
--local-path-listen-addr 'localhost:3000'

In some cases, CockroachDB will not be able to use the local address specified by --local-path-listen-addr. This will depend on where CockroachDB is deployed, the runtime OS, and the source dialect.

For example, if you are migrating to CockroachDB Cloud, such that the Cloud cluster is in a different physical location than the machine running molt fetch, then CockroachDB cannot reach an address such as localhost:3000. In these situations, use --local-path-crdb-access-addr to specify an address for the local file server that is reachable by CockroachDB. For example:

--local-path /migration/data/cockroach
--local-path-listen-addr 'localhost:3000'
--local-path-crdb-access-addr ''

A local file server can be used with either the IMPORT INTO or COPY FROM modes.


Cloud storage is often preferable to a local file server, which can require considerable disk space.

Direct copy

--direct-copy specifies that MOLT Fetch should use COPY FROM to move the source data directly to CockroachDB without an intermediate store:

  • Because the data is held in memory, the machine must have sufficient RAM for the amount of data being moved.
  • Direct copy mode does not support compression or continuation.
  • The --use-copy flag is redundant with --direct-copy.

Schema and table selection

By default, MOLT Fetch moves all data from the --source database to CockroachDB. Use the following flags to move a subset of data.

--schema-filter specifies a range of schema objects to move to CockroachDB, based on a regex string. For example, to move every table in the source database's public schema:

--schema-filter 'public'

--table-filter specifies a range of tables to move to CockroachDB, based on a regex string. For example, to move every table in the source database that has "user" in the title:

--table-filter '\w*user\w*'

Target table handling

--table-handling defines how MOLT Fetch loads data on the CockroachDB tables that match the selection.

To load the data without changing the existing data in the tables, use 'none':

--table-handling 'none'

To truncate tables before loading the data, use 'truncate-if-exists':

--table-handling 'truncate-if-exists'

To drop existing tables and create new tables before loading the data, use 'drop-on-target-and-recreate':

--table-handling 'drop-on-target-and-recreate'

With each option, MOLT Fetch creates a new CockroachDB table to load the source data if one does not exist.

Fetch continuation

If molt fetch exits with an error after loading data from cloud or local storage, you can continue the process from the continuation point where it was interrupted.

To retry all data starting from the continuation point, include --fetch-id and specify the process ID from the molt fetch output.

--fetch-id d44762e5-6f70-43f8-8e15-58b4de10a007

To retry a specific table that failed, include both --fetch-id and --continuation-token. The latter flag specifies a token string that corresponds to a specific table on the source database. A continuation token is written in the molt fetch output for each failed table. If the fetch process encounters a subsequent error, it generates a new token for each failed table.


This will retry only the table that corresponds to the continuation token. If the fetch process succeeds, there may still be source data that is not yet loaded onto CockroachDB.

--fetch-id d44762e5-6f70-43f8-8e15-58b4de10a007
--continuation-token 011762e5-6f70-43f8-8e15-58b4de10a007

To retry all data starting from a specific file, include both --fetch-id and --continuation-file-name. The latter flag specifies the filename of an intermediate file in cloud or local storage. All filenames are prepended with part_ and have the .tar.gz or .csv extension, depending on compression type (gzip by default). For example:

--fetch-id d44762e5-6f70-43f8-8e15-58b4de10a007
--continuation-file-name part_00000003.tar.gz

Continuation is not possible when using direct copy mode.

CDC cursor

A change data capture (CDC) cursor is written to the output as cdc_cursor at the beginning and end of the fetch process. For example:

{"level":"info","type":"summary","fetch_id":"735a4fe0-c478-4de7-a342-cfa9738783dc","num_tables":1,"tables":["public.employees"],"cdc_cursor":"0/3F41E40","net_duration_ms":4879.890041,"net_duration":"000h 00m 04s","time":"2024-03-18T12:37:02-04:00","message":"fetch complete"}

You can use the cdc_cursor value with an external change data capture (CDC) tool to continuously replicate subsequent changes on the source data to CockroachDB.


The following examples demonstrate how to issue molt fetch commands to load data onto CockroachDB.


After successfully running MOLT Fetch, you can run molt verify to confirm that replication worked successfully without missing or mismatched rows.

Load PostgreSQL data via S3

The following molt fetch command uses IMPORT INTO to load a subset of tables from a PostgreSQL database to CockroachDB.

molt fetch \
--source 'postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost/molt' \
--target 'postgres://root@localhost:26257/defaultdb?sslmode=verify-full' \
--table-handling 'truncate-if-exists' \
--table-filter 'employees' \
--bucket-path 's3://migration/data/cockroach' \
  • --table-handling specifies that existing tables on CockroachDB should be truncated before the source data is loaded.
  • --table-filter filters for tables with the employees string in the name.
  • --bucket-path specifies a directory on an Amazon S3 bucket where intermediate files will be written.
  • --cleanup specifies that the intermediate files should be removed after the source data is loaded.

If the fetch process succeeds, the output displays a fetch complete message like the following:

{"level":"info","type":"summary","fetch_id":"f5cb422f-4bb4-4bbd-b2ae-08c4d00d1e7c","num_tables":1,"tables":["public.employees"],"cdc_cursor":"0/3F41E40","net_duration_ms":6752.847625,"net_duration":"000h 00m 06s","time":"2024-03-18T12:30:37-04:00","message":"fetch complete"}

If the fetch process encounters an error, it will exit and can be continued.

Load MySQL data via GCP

The following molt fetch command uses COPY FROM to load a subset of tables from a MySQL database to CockroachDB.

molt fetch \
--source 'mysql://root:password@localhost/molt' \
--target 'postgres://root@localhost:26257/defaultdb?sslmode=verify-full' \
--table-handling 'truncate-if-exists' \
--table-filter 'employees' \
--bucket-path 'gs://migration/data/cockroach' \
--use-copy \
  • --table-handling specifies that existing tables on CockroachDB should be truncated before the source data is loaded.
  • --table-filter filters for tables with the employees string in the name.
  • --bucket-path specifies a directory on an Google Cloud Storage bucket where intermediate files will be written.
  • --use-copy specifies that COPY FROM is used to load the tables, keeping the source tables online and queryable but loading the data more slowly than IMPORT INTO.
  • --cleanup specifies that the intermediate files should be removed after the source data is loaded.

If the fetch process succeeds, the output displays a fetch complete message like the following:

{"level":"info","type":"summary","fetch_id":"f5cb422f-4bb4-4bbd-b2ae-08c4d00d1e7c","num_tables":1,"tables":["public.employees"],"cdc_cursor":"0/3F41E40","net_duration_ms":6752.847625,"net_duration":"000h 00m 06s","time":"2024-03-18T12:30:37-04:00","message":"fetch complete"}

If the fetch process encounters an error, it will exit and can be continued.

Load CockroachDB data via direct copy

The following molt fetch command uses COPY FROM to load all tables directly from one CockroachDB database to another.

molt fetch \
--source 'postgres://root@localhost:26257/defaultdb?sslmode=verify-full' \
--target 'postgres://root@localhost:26258/defaultdb?sslmode=verify-full' \
--table-handling 'none' \
  • --table-handling specifies that existing tables on the target CockroachDB database should not be modified before the source data is loaded.
  • --direct-copy specifies that COPY FROM is used to load the tables directly, without creating intermediate files.

Continue fetch after encountering an error

If molt fetch encounters an error, it exits with an error message, fetch ID, and continuation token for each table that failed to load on the target database. You can use these values to continue the fetch process from where it was interrupted.

{"level":"info","table":"public.tbl1","file_name":"shard_01_part_00000001.csv","message":"creating or updating token for duplicate key value violates unique constraint \"tbl1_pkey\"; Key (id)=(22) already exists."}
{"level":"info","table":"public.tbl1","continuation_token":"5e7c7173-101c-4539-9b8d-28fad37d0240","message":"created continuation token"}
{"level":"info","fetch_id":"87bf8dc0-803c-4e26-89d5-3352576f92a7","message":"continue from this fetch ID"}

To retry a specific table, reissue the initial molt fetch command and include the fetch ID and a continuation token:

molt fetch \
... \
--fetch-id '87bf8dc0-803c-4e26-89d5-3352576f92a7' \
--continuation-token '5e7c7173-101c-4539-9b8d-28fad37d0240'

To retry all tables that failed, exclude --continuation-token from the command.

See also

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