Inventory management on Black Friday: Challenges and solutions
How to build an inventory management system that scales (with reference architecture)
No Dirty Reads: Everything you always wanted to know about SQL isolation levels (but were too afraid to ask)
CockroachDB named a Customers' Choice in 2023 Gartner Peer Insights Voice of the Customer report
An electronics giant saved millions after migrating from MySQL to CockroachDB
How LUSH optimized global inventory management with CockroachDB
Building a resilient order management system at scale with GCP
Don’t sell your soul to Amazon: Cloud applications and architectures for retail
How retailers can achieve 2021 revenue resolutions with CockroachDB
Sell globally, manage locally with distributed SQL
Tech trends and challenges in the retail industry
How retailers survive Black Friday and Cyber Monday
Bose is building databases on demand with Elastic, CockroachDB, and Kubernetes
How to build a scalable payment system
Why LUSH migrated from Google Spanner to CockroachDB
How Booksy builds resilient architecture