For the cloud. From the ground up.

  • Provide automated, elastic scale for your apps and services
  • Protect your data from outages with distributed cloud resilience
  • Deliver low-latency experiences to customers everywhere

Relational data, built for the way you build

  • Support referential integrity and use standard SQL
  • Ensure ACID-compliant transactions at any scale
  • Leverage relational data while serving a global user base

Hardened for business-critical workloads

  • A sustainable foundation for data-driven innovation
  • Proven in Fortune 500 enterprise-scale deployments
  • World-class customer support, with you at every step

Proven in enterprise environments

Industry leaders trust CockroachDB with their most critical workloads

Deploy CockroachDB your way

Serverless, fully managed, or self-hosted. Choose what’s right for you.

A better SQL database awaits

/* Go hands-on with 100% free CockroachDB Serverless. Spin up your first cluster in just a few clicks. */

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