
Kubernetes TutorialsFor Beginners & Experts

Learn Kubernetes fundamentals and level up with tutorials that cover how to manage and deploy stateful applications on Kubernetes.

4 hours

What you will learn

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Kubernetes Fundamentals

Real World Case Studies

Learn key concepts of Kubernetes. 

Cover real world, production examples of applications being deployed on Kubernetes.  

How to use a K8s Operator

Multi-Region K8s Pod Communication

Learn how to leverage an operator to take care of manual K8s tasks.

How to get Kubernetes pods to talk to each other in multi-region deployments.

What is Kubernetes?

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration platform for managing containerized workloads and services. The word "kubernetes" originates from the Greek words for helmsman or navigator. About 75% of container orchestration is done in Kubernetes, but popularity of the platform does not mean that it is easy to use. These Kubernetes training modules are intended to present Kubernetes in practical, applied lessons, to get you up and running quickly.  

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Lesson 1: Video

This introductory video with Kubernetes experts covers storage, data challenges, and how certain databases can simplify these challenges. A written recap is also available here.

Lesson 2: Report

Kubernetes Adoption Trends Report

Workloads tell the real story of how organizations deploy their applications and services on Kubernetes.

Lesson 3: Case Study

Learn how this 30 year old IT company stores billions of files with Kubernetes.

Lesson 4: Demo

A Kubernetes Operator is a software extension of Kubernetes that serves as automation for typical human operator tasks like cluster and database security, storage configuration, scaling up and down, and performing upgrades.

Lesson 5: Blog

In this blog, you will learn a solution for the problem of getting Kubernetes pods to talk to each other in multi-region deployments.

Lesson 6: Guide

This guide covers deployment of a stateful application with CockroachDB using Kubernetes’ StatefulSets feature. Learn about deployment options, StatefulSets vs DaemonSets, and steps to get a stateful application into production.

Lesson 7: Tutorial

In this tutorial, create a sample To-Do app in Kubernetes with CockroachDB as the datastore. The app is written in Python with Flask as the web framework and SQLAlchemy for working with SQL data.

CockroachDB is built and architected for Kubernetes

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